Mid-days With Lauree

Setting Goals, But Not Meeting Them? Here's Why You Can Still Be Proud Of Yourself



Are you setting goals, but not meeting them? Here is why you can still be proud of what you accomplished.Many of us at the beginning of the year kicked off 2021 by making big plans and setting big goals but if you're anything like me, you got to the end of the month and there a lot of boxes left unchecked. I know that feeling and I know that there can be a sense of shame and failure that begins to set in our heart, but I stand here with a piece of encouragement to you if you find yourself in the same boat. Even though we may not have been able to accomplish everything on our list, I'm proud that we set goals and have got the momentum going in our favor! With goals, we're aiming towards something. With goals, we got more accomplished than we would have if we didn't have a direction to go. I'm proud of us!