Mid-days With Lauree

A Prayer For The Parents Who Are Experiencing Pandemic Fatigue



No one is going to judge you for your answer to this question, but do you think this pandemic has made you lazy? More specifically, has this pandemic made you a lazy parent?I know this a bit of an sensitive question for me to ask as someone who hasn't yet been blessed yet to be a parent myself, but I have to say watching the parents around me adjust and be flexible to fit this new normal, I have to say that I think you're a hero. The ways you've had to adapt and the thing you've had to address with you kids, that is a hard job. I have so much respect for you.But maybe you're the person who read my question and internally nodded your head. Maybe you feel like this pandemic has gotten the best as of you and all you want to do is put it on auto-pilot and check out into a world that isn't dominated by social distancing and a dumpster fire of a political climate. If that's you and you just need a life line today, would you allow me to pray for you?Father God, I am asking that you would remind my friend right now,