Rv Maintenance Tips And Information For The Diy

↓Episode 58 Electrical Problems – DIY or Take to a Service Center



Full Show Transcript: This is Eric Stark with Radio Arizona RV. It's about six o'clock in the morning on a Thursday. It's snowing this morning. What a better day to talk about electrical systems in RVs. And the real question is whether to take it to a dealership, to a repair facility, or just tackle the problem on your own. So that's what we're going to be discussing today and this is episode number 58 about electrical systems. Basically, taking it someplace or doing it yourself. Now just as reminder, check out our website, RadioArizonaR.com that'll take you to all our other websites where we sell RV parts. If you're new to the show. We own sun pro manufacturing, which we make sunshade products for RVs slide out awning, fabrics. We sell a bazillion of them. They're flying out the door every day. Awesome product, great warranty, great prices, the problem free slide out awning fabric. 00:59 Now before we get into the show, I want to talk a little bit about scams. My mother is 82 years old and she's been a targe