Meal Mentor

S02 Episode 20 - Making it work in a mixed diet household with Adrienne



On this episode of the Meal Mentor Co-Pilot Podcast, member Adrienne describes her experience being an ethical vegan living with an omnivorous family. Adrienne shares how the meal plans fit her family’s needs, plus what she’s learned about self-care from the Meal Mentor forums. Don't miss this episode for more about leading by example and the link between nutrition and mental health! More about this episode How to approach omnivores with acceptance and non-judgment. How to incorporate meditation and mindful moments into your daily routine. Adrienne explains the effects that diet has on her mental health. A discussion on the importance of accountability and goal-setting. Adrienne gives advice about living harmoniously with omnivores. Plus, much more about making the plant-based lifestyle more doable! Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: Eat and Run by Scott Jurek Forks Over Knives Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer Earthlings The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living Super Size Me Fast F