Meal Mentor

S02 Episode 13 - Plant-based camping tips with member Sara



On this episode of the Meal Mentor Podcast, member Sara shares her experience transitioning to a plant-based diet and gives her best advice on how to make it work while camping! Don't miss this episode for a discussion on how to convince loved ones to research the benefits of a plant-based diet, how to travel with potatoes, plus much more about making a plant-based diet work in any situation, from bachelorette parties to endurance events. More about this episode How Sara gently lead her husband to plant-based resources. Sara shares her favorite plant-based camping meals. Why plant-based camping is easier and safer! How to participate when others are grilling. The best plant-based foods to pack for endurance activities. A discussion on changing your mindset about what qualifies as a meal. Try our FREE 7-Day sample meal plan! Resources: The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell Forks Over Knives Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn Dr. John McDougall Happy Herbivore Hol