Water With Lemon

Longing with Hope with Caroline Cobb | Ep. 76



Singer-songwriter, Caroline Cobb, joins me on the podcast to discuss longing with hope: waiting for Christ’s return while enjoying the common graces on this side of eternity. Caroline loves to share the story of scripture through her music and hopes to make it accessible to people throughout their daily lives. During her time on the podcast, she encourages us to yearn for Christ’s return and set our hope in Him. Her love for the Lord and passion for His word is radiant. A little bit about the guest: Before her thirtieth birthday, singer-songwriter Caroline Cobb set a goal to write a song for every book of the Bible in one year. That year set in motion a passion to tell the stories of scripture through music, with creativity and faithfulness. Caroline’s forthcoming album, A Seed, A Sunrise, explores the longing hope of Advent, the joy of Christmas, and the anticipation of Christ’s return. Produced by Isaac Wardell (Josh Garells, Sandra McCracken) and featuring gospel trio Resound and a fourteen-piece string or