Water With Lemon

Walking in the Spirit with Chrystal Evans Hurst | Ep. 69



Chrystal Evans Hurst joins me on the podcast to discuss walking in the Spirit. The author of The 28-Day Prayer Journey, Chrystal emphasizes how important it is to be in constant connection with the Lord and she gives practical tips to practice that connection. I pray her conviction and faithfulness to pray inspires you to pray without ceasing. A little bit about the guest: Chrystal Hurst is an energetic, fun-loving “girl-next-door” who loves to encourage other women in fulfilling their full potential in Christ. Chrystal is a gifted soloist and speaker. The eldest child of Dr. Tony and Lois Evans, the Word of God has surrounded her for her entire life. As a member of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Chrystal serves by leading the congregation during the time of praise and worship. She also loves to share and encourage women with a heart to inspire them towards a deeper relationship with the Lord. Chrystal is a writer. She has blogged for years to chronicle the journey of her family and her faith. Most importantly,