How To Photograph By Walid Azami

Do You Still Want to Become a Photographer?



The quarantine is really getting to all of us at different levels, and being forced to temporarily retire our cameras. It's hard to book a job, book a model or even put a proposal together. By now many of us have had time to put our portfolios together, to update any lacking skills or even declutter our closets. We've had time to think and ponder about our future. The real question is: Do you miss shooting? Do you miss booking jobs or can you go without it? There's no wrong answer here, but a moment of truth photographers must face. Where do you stand in this?  Do you want to continue with photography? I would love to help you reach your goals. Let's make a deal. I give you all the tools you need to book photography and video clients, and all I ask is that you attempt the methods in your day to day life. How's that sound? For those that question this method, it will probably not work for you. For those that are open to getting help from someone who is currently booking and has a solid career, this method