Keepin It Real With Janean

Thriving Through Uncertainty w/ Tama Kieves (Ep 102)



How to Thrive in Uncertain Times! You were born to live a BRILLIANT life. It’s time to step beyond the hypnotism of what you think you can or cannot do. If you are really good doing something you don’t like doing…. imagine what you can do with something you enjoy! You can’t plan an inspired life! Start by doing ANYTHING you enjoy… what ideas keep coming back to you Listen to your heart in this moment. An honors graduate of Harvard Law School, Tama left her law practice to write and help others create their most extraordinary lives. She is a sought-after speaker and visionary career and book coach. She has been featured in USA Today and has been on Oprah Radio. She’s also taught A Course in Miracles for 28 years. Tama is a bestselling author with several books to her name. Her most recent book Thriving Through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear of the Unknown and Making Change Work for You  is the perfect topic for our challenging times. Tama's Website Tama's free gift: Dare to Decide Free resources Thrivin