Keepin It Real With Janean

Brain Wave Entrainment w/ John Dupuy (EP 69)



Changing the world by helping people experience profound transformation and renewal every day, through the most sophisticated, research-driven brainwave (BWE) and biofield entrainment technologies and consciousness-enhancing tools available. These technologies have an enduring effect that catalyzes tangible, constitutional, and formative shifts in the life experience of millions of people worldwide. Our practitioners are guided toward deeper and deeper levels of happiness, joy, peace, prosperity, and emotional freedom. Mainly where my heart and brain are at the moment is the idea that the solution to all the problems that face our species is developmental. Each of us has the responsibility and the calling to become the absolute best version of ourselves, so that we might indeed be part of the solution and not part of the problem (as John Lennon said). The best way to accomplish this, individually and collectively, is through the adoption of an Integral, transformative practice lifestyle, that includes the