Keepin It Real With Janean

Understanding Your Soul's Unique Perspective w/ Deb McCullough



Find the Inner Path to Your Rich Life! Deep inside you is a place of stillness; a place of deep knowing, a place where you are connected with the energy and understanding of Divine Source. With the discovery and exploration of the energy and consciousness that you are, you begin to understand what your soul desires to experience in this lifetime, A new awareness arises and your dance of this lifetime will never be the same. You begin to experience who you really are.   The shape and direction of your life is dependent on the beliefs you hold about yourself and about life. Your whole life is affected by what you believe. “How do you bring your energy of spirit into your life?”  “Imagine tuning into the source of pure energy and understanding – it’s all possible for you!” “Separate the action from the story of the action!” “Psychic abilities are a muscle that you can develop!” Having always been fascinated by the psychic and spiritual realms, Deb McCullough moved away from a 26-year career in the banking indus