Keepin It Real With Janean

Pharmaceuticals: Profit vrs. People w/ Nathan Fraser (Podcast Ep 26)



One Families Story. A very personal conversation. Hear Nathan Fraser's story of how his mom became hooked on prescriptions and how they destroyed her life and eventually killed her. Nathan Fraser is the owner of Podcast Blastoff and is an excellent copywriter and marketing genius...he has written ads for supplement and nutrition companies and today is joining us for a conversation on pharmaceuticals and regulatory agencies and how this affects all of us. **How big pharma and the regulators suppress natural alternatives. **Popping pills to relieve symptoms rather than actually curing. **Do you blindly submit to authority? **We must take responsibility for our health and our life and not hand it over to authority figures. **Choose to be a victim or take control. **Are you going to make your life better or are you going to play the victim, expecting others to make your life better? **You have a lot more power in your life than you realize! Nathan Fraser is a liberty podcaster, copywriter and entrepren