Keepin It Real With Janean

Reframe Past Hurt into a Neutral Present with Janet Barrett (Podcast Ep 13)



You can change a painful story or belief about yourself through reframing Reframing is about: How to take the emotional content and story out and just work with the energy patterns that are there... letting them unfold into something new or different. Which is really taking the human reaction out and allowing for Consciousness to play and evolve. We are the human interface of how Consciousness knows itself. Here are 6 important points about successful reframing 1. Be willing to address that you have an issue. Being honest with ourselves. People can really play around with this. We can easily rationalize and reason, excuse and justify. 2. Recognize that there is a pattern even if you are not aware of it. Denial is powerful. It Helps keep the pattern in place. Conversely we can be very aware of the pattern and associate with it ...thus never changing. 3. Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness. Here is where we have the ability to be neutral. 4. If you could notice ho