Keepin It Real With Janean

Overcoming Stuckness in Your Life with Rae Chois (Podcast Ep 6 part 1)



So many are feeling stuck in their lives right now.... do you feel like you would like a change in your life but don't feel you have any choices? Then this is the Episode for you! There are 2 parts... part 2 will be unloaded in a week. Please meet my friend, Rae Chois… Rae is a passionate and vivacious professionally trained and certified life and business coach, and internationally published author who has applied these very principles to transform her life from a dreadful spiral “below the line” to a thrilling place of gratitude and bliss that she calls her “above the line ~ state of mind”. But is hasn’t always been this way…. For years and year Rae Chois asked herself… “Is this as good as it gets?” She had crazy thought viruses, anxiety and depression that infected her consciousness and her results for years. Everything looked good on the surface, but after a devastating divorce in 2008 and years of suffering as a single mother alone in the world… She finally said, “Enough is enough! I demand to expand