Afropolitan Central

S2 Ep 8 - We moving back or nah?



Hey guys, we’re excited to bring you yet another episode of Afropolitan Central! This time, we’re joined by returning guest, Nicole Magabo, who was featured on our Children of Blood and Bone episodes, to discuss the topic of moving back to the African continent to the various places we call home. This topic has received increased attention in recent months particularly with Ghana’s “The Year of Return” theme for 2019 amongst others so it was only right to turn our lens to it. In exploring this topic, we ponder a gamut of questions: Is there a right time to move back home? Do we overly romanticise the move? What happens when we get home and it isn’t sunshine and rainbows? As returnees, do we enjoy a level of privilege once we’re back? How do we wield this correctly? Tune in to the episode to hear our answers to these and many more. **Our question to you is: Have you thought about moving back? If you’ve already returned, how has your experience been so far?** As always we’re eager to hear your take and