Ford On Food

Episode 6: A Little Bit Fishy



It’s one of those things. Either you love or loathe anchovies. Many a disagreement has erupted over the inclusion (or exclusion) of anchovies on a pizza. I love anchovies, and I can’t put it any more bluntly – I LOOOOVE them! For me, pizza is an excuse to eat anchovies. Caesar salad is an excuse to eat anchovies. And, anchovies are an excuse to eat anchovies. When I bite into a fishy, salty anchovy fillet, it’s as close as I can get to gastronomic heaven. There are some important things that you need to know about anchovies. First of all, they’re not born in tins of oil. Anchovies are a small silver fish mainly found around the Mediterranean and Southern European coastlines. After being caught in fine mess nets, they’re filleted, cured in salt and preserved in oil. Sometimes they’re rolled up, and sometimes canned flat. However, they can be purchased without oil (just coated in salt). Anchovies can also be purchased as a fresh fish. Usually the more expensive anchovies from Morocco are bigger, plumper and tas