Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Birth Sovereignty Panel



What does birth sovereignty, and decolonising the maternity care system, look and feel like? How does the current patriarchal birth culture impact First Nations women and marginalised communities? How can we re-imagine a birth culture that centres and supports women and birthing people? And how can we all embody the change we wish to see?This episode is a recording of a live panel on 'Birth Sovereignty' by PBB and hosted at the Returning on Bundjalung Country in November 2020. PBB presenter, Barkindji woman Kirilly Dawn, speaks with four incredible birth keepers, mothers and change makers: Bronwyn Bancroft, Angela Coe, Mei Lai Swan and Aimee Aroha, who explore birth sovereignty, the context of modern birth culture through a decolonial lense, and share their stories , experiences and their visions for change. Panel members include: Bronwyn Bancroft, Bundjalung elder, artist, mother and sovereign birth advocate; Angela Coe, Wiradjuri midwife and founder of @birthingourway Mei Lai Swan, co-founder of Birth for H