Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made



Fiona Katauskas is a cartoonist, illustrator, and author of “The Amazing True Stories of How Babies Are Made’, a children’s book about conception, and childbirth that is relevant to our current social word. Fiona once studied politics at the Australian National University, and travelled extensively, working in overseas aid and human rights. After that, she became a full time cartoonist, with work appearing in a wide range of publications, like Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The Bulletin, The Chaser, Eureka Street and New Matilda; not to mention other events and anthologies. Fiona has illustrated many books for just about every publisher, designed cards for the Ink Group and t-shirts for Mambo.Fiona loves how cartoonists are able to take all their experiences, beliefs, bile and passion, wrap them up in a metaphor and get inky fingers in the process and while having fun. In this episode, Oni Blecher speaks with Fiona about her book ‘The Amazing True Story of H