Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

VBAC and Homebirth after Cesarean with academic, mother and Midwife Hazel Keedle



Hazel Keedle is a midwifery researcher and lecturer at Western Sydney University and a PhD candidate. Hazel has worked in midwifery group practices, an aboriginal medical service, a variety of hospital settings and as a privately practising midwife in both city and regional locations.  Hazels passion for VBAC followed her own experience of having a VBAC with her daughter in 2008 and since then has published research on women's experience of having a homebirth after caesarean and on her PhD work exploring women’s experiences of planning a VBAC in Australia.Links discussed during this podcast:1. VBAC Matters page (lots of info & videos): Hazel's Research, Women’s experiences of planning a vaginal birth after caesarean in different models of maternity care in Australia: is also involved in a new survey exploring the experiences of Australian childbearing women in relation to the COVID19 pandemic, you can take the survey here: