Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Dr Andrew Bisits & VBAC mother



Dr Andrew Bisits, staff specialist obstetrics working in in Obstetrics for 30 years and Director of Obstetrics at the Sydney's Royal Hospital for Women. Known for his advocating for women's childbirth choices particularly when it comes to vaginal breech birth and other "deemed high risk" women such as VBAC. Also in the studio with have Lismore Maternity Choices branch president Sophie, who as a mother experienced for her first baby's birth an emergency cesarean when it was discovered at 8 centimeters dilation her baby was in frank breech position and her second baby was birthed as what is called a VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean. Interview with Dr Andrew Bisits held at the Australian Home Birth Conference February 2014 and aired live on Bay Fm 99.9 Byron's community station 16th of June 2014.Produced and presented by Lara MartinCopyright PBB Media and Lara MartinDate 2014.