Westminster Calvary Chapel

Revelation 15:1-8 “The Time Has Come”



Revelation 15 circles back to describe God's judgments in more detail. There's a chronological order that flows through Chapters 15, 16 and 19 covering these last pages and scenes. Revelation 15 is broken into two sections: (vv. 1-4) focuses on victory in heaven & (vv. 5-8) focuses on God's vengeance on Earth. Weekly bulletin: https://mailchi.mp/0412f345e2f4/t7eysc6qau Online Campus: www.westminstercalvary.online.church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminstercalvary/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westmincalvary/ Support the mission: https://www.westminstercalvary.org/home/online-giving/ Become a Christian: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Form/b11acbf2-c211-4a10-8d49-3bad8871953e Prayer Request: https://westminstercalvary.churchcenter.com/people/forms/37128 #ChurchOnline #DoingMyPartCO #WestminsterCO #DenverCO #NonDenominationalChurch #CalvaryChapel #CGN #ChristianLiving #Hope #StayHome #WithMe #StrongerTogether #BusinessUnusual #CalvaryAtHome #SocialDistancing #AtHome #WeCanGet