Speaking Of Hungry

56. Why Do I Binge?



Do you binge or overeat and feel out of control?  There are many reasons we binge or overeat. Going on another diet will not help but only add fuel to the fire. In this latest episode of Speaking of Hungry, I talk about: ✨ the top reasons my clients struggle with binge eating, ✨ steps to identify triggers, and plan for when the next one will come along, ✨ what actions we need to take so that we don't turn to food as a coping mechanism when we are not physically hungry. Here are some other episodes you don't want to miss that are related to the topic of binges:  38. Binge Eating Disorder with Jennifer McGurk 18. I Can't Stop Overeating ***** Need more resources to help with the restrict-binge cycle?  Grab my free workbook: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!! What will you get in this guide? This is a sample of work I do with my private, 1:1 clients. I’ll take you through: #1 - examining your personal history with dieting #2 - reflecting on how diets interfered with your life #3 - how to slowly get rid of dieting tools yo