Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Davia Shepherd: Collaboration Secrets to Transform Your Income and Impact- Episode 189



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Dr. Davia Shepherd, founder of the Ladies Power Lunch, with a passion for collaboration! In this Episode: Why connection & collaboration are the most important focus you can make in your business The story behind the birth of Ladies Power Lunch – a free movement for women in business who want to intentional support one another How the ‘unusual times’ opened a door for Dr. Davia to start building connections through networking How building her own community has impacted Dr. Davia’s business and expanded her world Davia’s own takeaway in her book Grow Smarter: Collaboration Secrets to Transform Your Income and Impact Davia being a ‘recovering researcher’ and what it meant throughout her own personal and professional journey Dr. Davia H. Shepherd is an international speaker, bestselling author, retreat leader, and recovering researcher celebrating almost two decades of experience working in various areas of healthcare. Her focus, especially in