Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Sarah J. Bohnenkamp – Chief Trailblazer of Epic Conversations – eps 184



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am thrilled to bring you one of my BFF's - Sarah J. Bohnenkamp - a chief trailblazer of epic conversations! In this episode: Sarah’s story and moments that created a paradigm shift in her life How Sarah looked at 2020 as an opportunity to serve her clients and community The importance of standing up as a leader not only in the corporate realm but also in the entrepreneurial world What does your ‘leadership’ stand for? Love & leadership — and the connection of the two How Sarah relates the energy and beauty of horses into how people lead at the core of who they are The 3 Cs of leadership Sarah's personal Twitter profile says "Momma of two lil love muffins. Wife. Singer (and bad guitar player). Leadership Coach. Developer. Dreamer. Horse lover." and for 20+ years she's been a hope dealer and developer of leaders. Sarah attributes much of her success to lessons she's learned from horses, including her first horse "Buck" who taught her volumes about leadershi