Power Your Purpose With Megan Accardo

74. How Podcasting Can Change Your Biz & Life...But Why Most People Won't Do It



You probably already know that podcasting can help you build a more profitable business and life ... In this episode, I detail out all the reasons why you SHOULD have a podcast, and all the personal benefits I’ve experienced through my own podcast. For example... It has allowed me to be introduced to some of my heroes and mentors that used to not know I even existed. New clients and partnerships have popped up directly in my inbox, begging me to work with them. It's made me confident that I am leaving a legacy of valuable content for my family & (future) kids. Plus, it's been the most fun talking point when meeting new people! BUT if you have you ever said the following, then you are NOT alone: I have zero clue where to even start. I'm overwhelmed with all the podcasting logistics and tech. Isn't it a crowded space already? Am I up for this? What if I hate the sound of my own voice? Does anyone even care what I have to say? I get it. I started my podcast, Power Your Purpose, two ye