Teachercast Educational Broadcasting Network (full Audio)

5 Reasons Why It’s Important To “Define Your Why” When Building Your EDU Brand



As a podcaster, writer, blogger, or any type of content creator, we are often telling a story... often the story of a guest or another person. Our job as storytellers is to create a world for our listeners and readers that set up our subjects as the hero of their stories and their worlds so that they are standing tall both at the beginning and end of the blog or podcast. But how often do we ever get the opportunity to get up and tell our personal hero stories? It turns out that this is one of the most important things that we can do as creators. The ability to not only craft the stories of others but create our own stories is one of the most important things that we can do to Build Our Own EDU Brands. In this episode of the Jeff Bradbury Show, we meet podcaster, speaker, author, and life long educator Barbara Bray who explains to us the power and importance of Defining our Why.   This subtle yet powerful vulnerability that each of us needs to possess is important not only to help our audience c