Teachercast Educational Broadcasting Network (full Audio)

10 Expert Tips To Help You Build Your EDU Brand



This week at the http://fetc.org (FETC Conference) in Miami Florida, I had the opportunity to meet and reconnect with hundreds of amazing educators and educational technology companies. The time spent here interacting with all of these amazing entities has made me realize a few important things about http://www.buildyouredubrand.com (Building Your EDU Brand). In this episode of the https://www.teachercast.net/episodes/jeff-bradbury-show/ (Jeff Bradbury Show), we take a look at 10 Expert Tips To Help You Build Your EDU Brand. Some of these things seem pretty easy. Some of the items on the list might have you puzzled. After speaking with several great educators at the conference this week, it is certain that everyone has gone through these steps and mastered many if not all of them. If you are a blogger, podcaster, speaker, author, or another type of EDU Content Creator, don't forget to vist our podcast homepage and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast player today! If you are a