Fx Medicine Podcast Central

How Sugar Influences Female Fertility with Georgia Marrion



It's well established that sugar impacts metabolic health, but have you considered the impact to fertility? Naturopath Georgia Marrion delights in untangling complex biochemical pathways and creating education for both her peers and patients, that helps digest complicated clinical and research data into usable chunks of wisdom. In today's episode, Georgia joins us to share her insights into how sugar might be an overlooked sniper in women's health, impacting hormonal and metabolic pathways leading to problems such as infertility, PMS and PCOS. Georgia takes us through how sugar can impact and crossover into multiple body systems and why it needs to be a discussion point for patients on a fertility journey. Georgia also shares how she tackles this in her practice from dietary guidance to key supplements and herbs she uses to support patients. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/how-sugar-influences-female-fertility-georgia-marrion *****DISCLAI