Company Of One With Dale Callahan

150: How to Continue to Grow Your Career as an Engineer [Podcast]



You should want to grow your career. Right? It just makes sense? But wanting to grow your career is not enough - you have to work at it. Once we start our engineering career (or any career for that matter), we get busy. Work and life take over, and we are so tied up in just keeping up that we forget we need to keep growing.  Last week we hit on the subject of WHY you need to grow your career.   This week we want to dive into some of the HOWs. How do you grow your career continually and intentionally? How to Continue to Grow Your Career as an Engineer (Podcast Outline) Develop a Mindset of Growth Enjoy the game of growth - always explore. Be curious. Be OK with change - it is going to change anyway. Do not be afraid of breaking things. Learn from successful people/companies Pay attention to the competition. Pay attention to innovations - LinkedIn videos, conferences, things you hear that you might discount as being irrelevant. Think strategically.  “Skate to where the puck is goi