Apps In Law

AiL024 - Why Should Lawyers Pay Attention To CES? Stephen Embry Went To Find Out...



My guest today is the second return guest to this podcast - my good friend Stephen Embry. Who, when he was last on the podcast, was a member at Frost Brown Todd LLC based in Louisville, KY where he practiced for about 30 years. Since then Steve left the firm and started the fantastic blog TechLaw Crossroads ( which examines the cultural gap between technology and innovation, and how all that applies to the legal profession. I have the honor of crossing paths with Stephen at legal technology conferences and we’ve worked together on the ABA TECHSHOW and the Law Practice Division of the ABA. Stephen attended the 2020 CES trade show in January and joins me on the podcast to explain how lawyers can benefit from conferences like this, and some of the “consumer” technology that he saw and experienced. More importantly, Stephen explains why lawyers should be paying attention to all this technology. Stephen wrote some excellent pieces on his experience at CES in Part 1 and Part 2 of