Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

202: Dagger on the Anvil with Ralf Wondratschek



Anvil is a Kotlin compiler plugin that makes your life a tad bit easier when using Dagger 2. In this episode we talk to Ralf Wondratschek from Square who created the library and open sourced it for all of us.After touching on some of the basics, Ralf dives into the thinking behind Anvil and how it evolved into the tool it is today. It's filled with nuggets of wisdom especially if your app uses Dagger for Dependency Injection.Enjoy!ShownotesAnvil for DaggerRalf's talk at Droidcon: Android at Scale @SquareSlides for above talkContact@vRallev@fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel@donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)kaushikgopal (on YouTube) or or @kaushikgopal