Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

147: Disposing RxJava 2 Streams with AutoDispose



In this short fragment episode, Donn explains how you can clean up your RxJava 2 streams and ensure no memory leaks are occurring by using the AutoDispose library from Uber. Shownotes AutoDispose Library Tool to help migrate to RxJava 2 CatchUp Library Code Samples Java myObservable .map(...) .as(AutoDispose.autoDisposable(AndroidLifecycleScopeProvider.from(this))) .subscribe(...) Kotlin myObservable .map(...) .autoDisposable(AndroidLifcycleScopeProvider.from(this)) .subscribe(...) With Scope Event Provided myObservable .map(...) .autoDisposable(AndroidLifcycleScopeProvider.from(this, Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY)) .subscribe(...) Testing // File: CustomerService.kt class CustomerService @Inject constructor(...) { lateinit var scopeProvider: ScopeProvider } // Usage in Fragment/Activity/etc val service = CustomerService(...).apply { scopeProvider = AndroidLifecycleScopeProvider.from(this) } // Usage in Test val service = CustomerService(...).apply { scopeProvider = TestScopeProvider.create()