Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

106: The Reactive Workflow Pattern with Ray Ryan



In this episode we sit down and talk to Ray Ryan from Square about the Reactive Workflow pattern that he recently gave a talk on. This pattern goes deep into RootViews, containers, ViewFactories and much much more. Show Notes Ray’s “The Rx Workflow Pattern” talk at Droidcon NYC: droidcon NYC 2017 - The Rx Workflow Pattern - YouTube Flow Navigation -GitHub - square/flow: Name UI states, navigate between them, remember where you’ve been. Square Coordinator Library - GitHub - square/coordinators: Simple MVWhatever for Android Composable State Machine Pattern - A composable pattern for pure state machines with effects (draft v3) · GitHub Sponsors Rollbar - special offer: Bootstrap plan free for 90 days Contact @rjrjr [] @fragmentedcast [] @donnfelker and +DonnFelker @kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe