Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

083: Learning the basics of functional programing with Anup Cowkur



RxJava is considered a functional reactive programming library. But the paradigms of functional programming have existed for a very long time. In this episode we talk to Android GDE Anup Cowkur, about his experience experimenting with "pure" functional languages. He breaks down some of the basic concepts, explaining the different terms along the way. Download directly Show Notes Gordon Moore & Moore's law Rich Hickey on Clojure's Features and Implementation PCollections - persistent Java collections library Functional languages: Elixir Elm Scala Lisp Haskell Erlang Resources Anup's multi part series on functional programming The Context podcast - Functional programming with Paco Estevez Anjana Vakil: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf 2016 Learning functional programming and compositional software techniques in JavaScript - Eric Elliot Sponsors Rollbar - special offer: Bootstrap plan free for 90 days Contact @anupcowkur [] @fragmentedcast []