Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

059: Interview with Chiu-Ki



We talk with the all-star multi-talented GDE Chiu-Ki Chan about testing. Specifically, we dive into leveraging Mockito for your testing needs. What is Mocking, what is Stubbing, what are the different test doubles, how does mockito help with this? Listen on to find about that and some more interesting stuff on testing! Show Notes Introducing Pixel [] Static Gateway Pattern [] About Chiu-Ki: Android Dialogs | youtube [] 360|AnDev co-organizer | conference [] Technically Speaking| newsletter [] fake SharedPreferences implementations from AOSP FakeSharedPreferences | fake in-memory SharedPreferences implementation [] BridgeSharedPreferences | empty SharedPreferences that does nothing implementation [] Testing SharedPreferences [] Different kinds of Test doubles Know your test doubles [] [Test Doubles: Mocks, Stubs, and More]( http://www.