Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

026: LetMeExplainYou AndroidDev like a pro



In this episode Donn and Kaushik chat with the one and only Israel Ferrer Camacho (@rallat). They discuss a talk Israel gave sometime back on "Android development like a pro", exchanging war stories on patterns like MVP, MVVP clean architecture etc. Show Notes Rallat's slides [pdf] Rallat's sample repo using different patterns [github] Burrito Design Pattern [] Working Effectively with Legacy Code [] The Clean architecture [] Uncle Bob's talk on Vimeo Awesome Picks: Rallat: Rallat's tweet on Dagger 2 & Scope Provider Music for the week! The Weeknd Cmd Shift A - one shortcut to rule them all Donn: Philly ETE (April 11/12) (Donn's giving a talk) Life is Short [] 7 videos on UI Testing and TDD with Espresso : Caster.IO Kaushik: Create a pared-down "lite" version of the app Pancakes library - alternative to Fragment Manager for views Contact @rallat [] @fragmentedcast [] @donnfelker [] @kaushikgop