Never Mind The Bar Charts

What do the experts say about coronavirus? With Dr Ben Johnson



In the latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts, I talked with Ben Johnson, a former Liberal Democrat councillor in Southwark with a PhD on the influenza virus from Public Health England and the University of Reading, and now working for Nature, one of the world’s most famous and respected scientific journals. Feedback very welcome, and do share this podcast with others who you think may enjoy it. Show notes Sunder Katwala interview on coronavirus. Bicester Village train station signs. Phil Cowley on why Hong Kong reacted so quickly to coronavirus. IFS data on key worker salaries. My book Bad News, including a section on how different types of death get very different levels of media coverage. How cats took over the world. Find Ben on Twitter at @DrBenJohnson. Photo credit for episode image: Brian McGowan on Unsplash. Find Never Mind The Bar Charts on social media Like the show? Do follow on Twitter or Facebook. It's a great way to hear more about the podcast - and to let your friends and collea