Never Mind The Bar Charts

What does coronavirus mean for public policy? Interview with Polly Mackenzie



In the latest episode of Never Mind The Bar Charts, I talked with the chief executive of Demos, Polly Mackenzie, about the impact of coronavirus on public policy. We got a bonus bit of background music courtesy of one of her children and a piano. As with the other shows since coronavirus, this one was recorded over video call so apologies for the occasional blip in sound quality. Feedback very welcome, and do share this podcast with others who you think may enjoy it. Show notes The Demos website, including the old content being re-released as discussed in the show. The previous show with Phil Cowley and that Martin Kettle piece. Nervous States: how feeling took over the world by William Davies - Amazon / Waterstones. Georgette Heyer's books - Amazon / Waterstones. Polly's previous appearance on Never Mind The Bar Charts. Follow Polly on Twitter. Find Never Mind The Bar Charts on social media Like the show? Do follow on Twitter or Facebook. It's a great way to hear more about the podcast - and to let