The Laporte Report (mp3)

Leo on KFI with Wayne Resnick: TiVo Wins!



Leo Laporte on the Bill Handel Show, KFI AM 640, Los Angeles, 7:50am, April 14, 2006 TiVo gets a second life at the ninth hour. A jury has awarded TiVo $74 million in its lawsuit against the DISH Network (Echostar). That means TiVo effectively owns the patents to the key technologies for DVRs (digital video recorders) including the ability to pause, rewind, and fast forward live programming. TiVo probably wouldn't have survived losing this lawsuit. Now all DVR manufacturers will have to license their technology from TiVo. Echostar plans to appeal. Hosts: Leo Laporte and Bill Handel Bandwidth for The Laporte Report is provided by CacheFly