David Christopher Lewis

Robert Tennyson Stevens on Mastering Conscious Language to Create Life on Your Terms and Thrive



Robert Tennyson Stevens is a master of language as the code of our consciousness. He knows if you can wake up to your words, to what you may be agreeing to and creating in your world, you can move forward with fun and ease to experience your healthy, creative, loving and fulfilling life. Robert shares with David the meat of his unique curriculum of personal and professional empowerment technologies called Mastery Systems. Each of his classes, including Conscious Language, Imagination Activation, Outcome Facilitation, Sacred Body Language Translations, and Bio-Optic Holography, to name a few, is designed to transform lives. Stevens mantras for thriving: I CAN, I AM, I WILL, I CHOOSE, I HAVE, I LOVE, I CREATE, I ENJOY.