David Christopher Lewis

Bill Wilson on How Permaculture Enlivens a New Culture



Bill Wilson shares his expertise as a permaculture designer, a Permaculture Design Certification Course teacher and a Teacher Certification trainer, who has lived for 30 years with his wife Rebecca in the uniquely sustainable little community of Stelle, IL. Starting with the basics of permaculture, Bill shares why he co-founded Midwest Permaculture with Becky and relates stories of his transformative direct experiences and spiritual insights on greening and transforming our world. Bill offers a philosophy and practical examples for co creating a culture that cares for people and the planet as one in the same. Learn from Bill, his staff and students who have been willing to look into alternatives to the status quo, ask difficult questions and pursue unpopular solutions that worked. Discover how to create sustainable gardens, homes, landscapes, farms, relationships, and communities in essence how to develop a more permanent-culture.