Stage One Startup: Interviews With Influential Entrepreneurs & Innovative Startups

[Accelerate Your Startup] Fownders Episode 4: Changing the Way We Produce the Protein Necessary for Health and Growth by Introducing Crickets w/ Gyminies



This Week's Startup: Robert Arenas, CEO & Founder of Gyminies Boredom is the Devils Playground. Welcome to episode 4 in our Accelerate Your Startup series with Fownders. I am going to try my hardest to express the excitement I have to be bringing you this episode today. It's completely different to what we usually have on the show, so make sure you take note! Here at Stage One Startup, we have had our eye on Robert for a while now after receiving a referral from Toby Dattolo who is the Senior Vice President at Fownders. Gyminies is a health and nutrition startup that creates delicious, eco-friendly palio protein pastry recipes made up of... I'm building up the suspense here. Cricket protein mix! Yes, that's correct, crickets. As in the crickets,  the insects you can hear late at night on a summers evening. Now, bear with us on this one, you'll hear more about the reasons behind this in today's episode. Robert is from a small town in Texas where most occupants strive towards a career in the oil and ga