Rich Ideas Radio

Be A Better Networker with Sherrie Goodrich



On this show we talke with Sherrie Goodrich!Sherrie is a recipient of the Notable Networker award of BNI (Business Network International) in both the Santa Clarita and Santa Maria areas of California. Believing in the Givers Gain philosophy she has given and received thousands of dollars in referral business. Developing relationships makes all the difference and first impressions create the opportunity that others use to decide if you, your service or company are potentially an alliance partner.She has served as Past President in BNI and Toastmasters International- Nina Club 80. As Area Evaluation contest winner in Toastmasters, she has helped others to develop compelling introductions. Graduate of Santa Maria Leadership Class of 2009, she knows the importance of first impressions.Sherrie will show you how to create the ideal encounter that makes others want to find out more about you and your company. You will be able To Shine at any business event or networking group in 60 Seconds or Less.Website: TheNotabl