Don't Be Stuck

Wednesday, who are my people?



Wondering what type of people you should be reaching out to? Who is your audience? How do you know who you serve well? Today, I'm talking about the 4 thing that qualify a person to be a potential client. Tune in to hear them all and let me know on socials who fits those categories! Just a reminder, here's how this podcast works: Each day of the week we cover one of five of the most common topics that I've learned hold us back the most from creating their own dream version of our careers. Here's how it shuffles out on Monday, we're going to talk about limiting beliefs. It's a great inspirational episode that's gonna challenge your thinking. On Tuesdays, we're going to talk about finances and financial solutions to get you moving in the right direction with your money. Wednesdays we're going to talk all about offer ideation and how to build an intriguing, well branded, irresistible offer for your audience. Thursdays we're going to address content and social media, there's going to be a mix of reviewing differ