Don't Be Stuck

Monday, when did I forget my dream?



I found myself asking myself this week, "When did I forget what I wanted to be?" That was that little girl that built a fashion magazine for fun and who, you know, really just pursued life for what it was. And so I googled the phrase, when did you forget and I found this poem, and it is a poem called the Sunflower Sutra by Allen Ginsburg and towards the end of the poem, it's really long, it's beautiful. I loved that, and I'm not sure the intention of the original writer, but I felt that comparison really deeply in regards to the modern workforce, that we are sunflowers we are made of Earth, we are motivated and driven to serve, to love, to exist, to rest, and to be a part of the creation around us. And yet, sometimes we are forced into production were forced to be locomotives. I don't think there's anything wrong with productivity. And honestly, I think women are so good at being productive and so good at accomplishing things. If you're like me, you're really driven not just by the need to be productive, bu