Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 129: Six Steps To Creating The 2021 You Deserve and Desire



Six Steps To Creating The 2021 You Deserve and Desire #1 Take Ownership Of Your Life Make the declaration that life is happening for you and not to you. Dropping the victim mindset is crucial for your success. Adopting the victor mindset that regardless of the obstacle, you will find a way to win. Victors see opportunity instead of obstacles. #2 Make Better Decisions You are where you are right now because of the decisions you've made up to this point. If you don't like your current location in life, make better decisions ~ different, more positive, powerful decisions, and your life will change. #3 Health Is Wealth ~ I know. I know corny, but again TRUE Making health a priority has never been more critical than it is in 2021. With all of the pandemic scariness, my guess is that you've been super focused on your immune system and keeping yourself healthy. #4 Decide To Be Happy That's right. I said, decide to be happy. #5 Say Yes To Winning And No To Everything Else 90% of the things you are saying yes to are a