Pedia Pain Focus

#51. Digital Interventions for Self Management of Pediatric Pain



Since the COVID-19 pandemic, use of digital technology in healthcare has become commonplace, but Dr. Tonya Palermo, PhD has spent more than 2 decades researching and developing digital interventions for management of children's pain. In this episode she discusses the origin and development of her free app for self management of pediatric pain, WebMAP, its components, who its applicable for and how healthcare professionals can use it in their clinical practice to empower and equip their patients and families with self management strategies.    Takeaways in This Episode How serendipity got Dr. Palermo on the path to becoming the most prolific researcher in pediatric pain Dr. Palermo's first foray into digital interventions for accurate measurement of pediatric pain using a palm pilot, for patterns of pain and patterns of activity limitation. Use of website to collect data and offer simple interventions for kids and families living in remote areas. Surprising finding she saw in relation to acceptance and outco