Pedia Pain Focus

#48. Making Best Pain Care Everywhere Achievable.



Appropriate and timely pain care, especially for children, is a necessity and every clinician's responsibility. Yet our training system fails to provide the clinicians with those necessary skills and tools. In this episode, Dr Tracy Harrison, MD from the Mayo Clinic, discusses the importance, knowhow of necessary skills and leaves you with practical skills you can put into practice right away! Takeaways in This Episode Dr. Harrison's interest and work in pediatric pain medicine Reasons for the discrepancy in pediatric pain care across institutions and geographical locations Implications and impact for pain care discrepancy in pediatric pain Whose responsibility is it to ensure "best pain care everywhere" Barriers to best pain care everywhere What can you as a clinician do to contribute to best pain care for children under your care Dr. Harrison's advice to all clinicians caring for children's health. Dr. Harrison's advice for pediatric pain specialist and what our responsibility is in achieving this goal.