Day Fire Podcast

Lost and Found



This week Dawson and Clint talk about search and rescue with Nancy East. Whether you are someone who enjoys a quick hike on your favorite trails or someone who likes to disappear for days at a time – this podcast is important. What can you do to prepare for the unknown to happen? What do you pack? Who do you share your plans with? What happens when things do NOT go as planned? Nancy and Dawson share stories and give advice that will help you go into the great outdoors and get back home safely. Nancy East has been an avid hiker and backpacker for over 25 years. She has completed three 900-miler maps of the Smokies, and she and her friend Chris Ford achieved a fastest known time (FKT) record during the last Smokies-900 map. and thru hikes of the Tahoe Rim Trail, the Wonderland Trail, Tour du Mont Blanc and many regional trails. Nancy is also a member of Haywood County's Search and Rescue Team, is on the founding board for the WNC Wilderness Safety Fund and is a semi-retired small animal veterinarian. Staying s