

Has your life ever been changed by an act of generosity? These events can often create astounding impact on our lives. Generosity can change the giver and the receiver.   In this passage from Malachi 3, we find the people of God robbing God with their money. Scripture has a lot to teach us about generosity and our finances. We serve a generous God. Followers of Jesus should be moving towards greater generosity in all areas of their lives, including their finances. So how can we grow a generous mentality?   Three motivations to generosity: The generosity of God is the grounds for His people to be generous. When we see the heart of God, we see an outpouring of generosity. It's all His anyways. Stop viewing your money as yours, and start viewing it as something God has given you. Generosity reveals our hearts. We may say we worship Jesus, but we are prone to practice the religion of materialism. The happiness your money may bring pales in comparison to the joy of obedience.   Malachi 3:6-12